Tuesday 25 May 2010

Floyd Mayweather Jr.: Man, mouse or just mannequin -- Examiner

By Michael Marley, Examiner.com

Man or mouse?

That's what Manny Pacquiao fans and many just plain fight fans are asking about Floyd Mayweather Jr. right now as he hides behind a wall of silence and shows no great desire to tangle with the only fighter who can drop him from the ranks of the undefeated.

I say that Mayweather, who is running silent but hardly deep, is neither.

Mannequin: New Full Body/Full Size Black Male Fiberglass MannequinI say that Mayweather has become a mannequin, a dummy like the ones you see in the department stores.

At this point, can you imagine what great boxing icons of the past would be doing in the face of a threat like Pacquiao?

Muhammad Ali would be pounding the table, trying to come up with insults and warnings about how he would Pacman like a lazy donkey.

Ali would be invading Pacman's training quarters trailed by TV cameras.

His archrival, Smokin' Joe Frazier, would be talking a blue streak about how he will rip Manny apart.

Sugar Ray Leonard would be telling the media he would be glad "to accomodate Pacquiao" anytime, anywhere.

Marvelous Marvin Hagler would be telling us how no judges would be needed for the fight, how he would bring his two fists, one called "K" and the other known as "O," and that would obivate the need for any paper shuffling fight scorers. Hagler would say the only other required person would be a referee able to count to 10.

"I will destruct and I will destroy Pacquiao," Marvy Marv would say repeatedly.

Those guys knew how to throw gasoline onto the bonfire. Those guys knew how to fuel an already burning rivalry, how to stoke a hot match that caught the public imagination.

Maybe Mayweather is being held in isolation for a reason although I can't think of any.

Maybe Mayweather walks the steamy streets of hometown Las Vegas in a burqua, his face hidden by a veil.

By contrast, Pacman even gives out interviews from a hospital bed in Manila, where he was treated and released for a stomach ailment.

A European sportswriter recently inquired about getting at Mayweather for an interview.

"You seem to write positively about Pacquiao all the time," the scribe was told by way of rejection.

In other words, pal, take your million plus daily circulation and buzz off.

But the same writer would have little problem getting access to Pacman.

Pacquiao is headed from Manila to Los Angeles and he will speak to the media.

Then he comes to my fair city, New York, to pick up is 32nd Fighter of the Year Award from the Boxing Writers Association, and of course he will speak to the media.

But Mayweather remains a virtual shut in in Nevada.

What are Mayweather's handlers afraid of?

Maybe they know their charge will say something moronic like his comment about a possible fight against little known Sergio Martinez.

"That's interesting," Mayweather told someone.

No, it's not, it is idiotic.

The public pulse is for Mayweather-Pacquiao and for that mega bout only.

It's clear to me that Mayweather wouldn't be upset if he does fight some chopped liver opponent next.

By contrast, Pacman wants Mayweather like the starving wolf wants the meaty lamb chop.

But we know what Manny thinks, what he wants because he's not locked away in any so called Big Boy Mansion.

Speak Mayweather speak, make your intentions known.

Pacquiao wants to tear you limb from limb. Pacquiao smells the mood of the paying customers.

Your talent is large but your access to any media, unless they are complete and utter bootlickers, is limited.

So we don't know how badly you want Pacquiao next, if indeed that's really what you desire at all.

Floyd Mayweather, man, mouse or merely a mannequin?

Speak louder, L'il Floyd, we can't hear you.

You say you're an icon but you don't act like one.


Source: examiner.com

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, Floyd Gaywaether was running away from Manny again. Floyd said he will take a rest for two years. So Manny Vs Floyd won't be happened soon. Obviously Floyd does never want to fight with Manny especially after Manny floored Ricky. Father Gayweather was realized his son will be badly beaten by Manny. So they demand ridiculous rule and spreading rumor about Manny. Now the truth is coming out and Floyd was scared of Manny. Now Floyd Gayweather was going to hide inside the rat hole for two years.Manny is greatest Pound for Pound fighter all times.
