Wednesday 14 October 2009

Floyd Mayweather Jr hopes that the Manny Pacquiao fight can be made


Floyd Mayweather Jr says Manny Pacquiao fight is going to be hard to negotiate but hopes the fight can be made. Watch his interview with Bloomberg at

Floyd Mayweather Jr.


  1. Floyd Gayweather if you want to fight manny pacman fight as a man not a gay. you are always running both of your father. why dont you accept that manny is the truly legend in the boxing like jordan he is the legend in the basketball then manny is the legend in the boxing. stop pretending that you want to fight manny because in reallity you are afraid to fight to the filipino. did you thnik that your are tha boxer that we want to fights against manny not. we are excited to watch manny on how to kick your ass gayweather.

  2. 40-0 , look who manny chose to fight joshua clottey and everyone gave pacroid a pass .no one complain is clottey the best available fight out there . please you pin (pacroid internet nuthuggers)if mayweather did that you all PIN WOULD COMPLAIN .
